Friday, July 20, 2012

Archery in Motion visits the library!

We're trying out the skills that Will and Halt practice in The Ranger's Apprentice books!

On a hot afternoon in July, we were treated to a visit from Mike and Dan Bolduc of Archery in Motion.  In the cool basement meeting room, we were introduced to the equipment that might have been used by the characters we encounter in John Flanagan's Ranger's Apprentice series.  Mike and Dan were not only full of information about archery in general, but they had read the books, and were absolutely excellent about relating their program to the series.  Once we were done talking, we headed out into the heat to try our hands at some target practice.  Under the capable direction of Mike and Dan, each of us managed to hit the target at least once, and we had a blast--everyone just wished we could have kept going all afternoon!